
时间:2019年04月13日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

Because the customers in advance answered the phone complaints to our company, they were not satisfied with the service of the workers of Wuxi Moving Company on duty. They also said that the workers of Wuxi Moving Company were at a loose end when they moved goods. There were many fragile items that need not be packed and loaded indirectly. Can they not damage the goods? Should it not happen again? As the saying goes, there are only three things. If we have had one experience in some events, we should remember to prevent them in future tasks, so that we can improve our abilities. A company that can remember its experience can do better in its future tasks, and those who have been unable to accept the experience are doomed to be good movers. Such workers can not bring reputation to Wuxi Moving Company, but drag down the company's hind legs. Yesterday, this scene emerged. You workers are not professional at all. Now what do you think about spoiling my goods?
It took me a long time to know that several workers of Wuxi Moving Company moved to Miss Hu at the Chinese Travel and Domestic Residence where they moved. The houses inside are all very high-grade, so the furniture they want to move is very high-grade. When we meet such customers, we will make preparations in advance, bring more packing materials and protective supplies, and send experienced movers to lead the team in order to cover up the customers'goods. Yesterday, however, a few of the moving workers brought enough packaging information and did not cover up their customers'furniture. They polished a big red bedside, smashed the corner of a tea table and broke a flower clock.
After I earnestly compensate each other, and then I took our company's special compensation personnel to the customer's home in the first time, the incident has occurred, we must do a good job in the aftermath task. We arrived at the customer's home in thirty or ten minutes, after on-site inspection, I have a number of them in mind. In fact, these problems are all right as long as we do a good job of protection before moving. The price of Guangzhou Moving Company is enough to say that the destruction of the integrity of customer goods in the past is the formation of workers'weak sense of protection. Normally, the company makes three orders, but these movers take the company's clear rules as a bypass. 
(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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