
时间:2018年10月30日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


In order to ensure the construction quality of industrial epoxy floor coatings, we must pay attention to several problems: first, the design before construction and the organization of professional construction team; second, the inspection and treatment of the grass-roots; third, the correct construction organization and quality supervision of the whole process control. The following is the first point: 1.施工前的设计和专业化施工队伍的组织

1. the design before construction and the organization of specialized construction teams.


Accurately grasp the different requirements of each customer, through understanding and analyzing the specific project floor coatings to achieve the function and cost requirements, customized for the owner of the "framework" of personalized services, including the selection of interval functions, coating system recommendations, construction organization design, special technical problem solving.


(1) Pre-construction design: In order to select epoxy floor paint correctly and optimize its performance in use, decoration, safety and economy, the following factors should be considered comprehensively:


A. mechanical performance requirements. Before designing, the wear resistance (the vehicle running condition that the floor may need to bear during use), the pressure resistance (the load that the floor may bear during use) and the impact resistance (the impact that the floor may bear during use, whether the impact will cause the floor to disengage) should be considered.


B. chemical performance requirements. The types and concentrations of corrosive chemicals and solvents that the floor may encounter during use, as well as the types of solvents that may be touched and the contact time.


C. floor conditions. Understand the floor is located in the basement floor or ground floor, whether the need for moisture-proof treatment or select special moisture-proof isolation.


D. grass-roots situation. The base layer of epoxy industrial floor coatings generally requires compressive strength (> 20MPa) and flatness (> 2mm) in the range of 2m2. Otherwise, it should be repaired or polished with epoxy mortar in advance.


E. decorative properties. Should understand whether the floor needs different colors of paint for regional division; film requirements are matt or bright and flat floor requirements.


F. security requirements and other special requirements. The safety of the floor during use is an important factor to be considered, for example, in oil-stained environment or slopes, the need for anti-skid treatment of the floor, or the choice of anti-skid floor coating; in addition, we should also understand whether there are other special requirements of the floor, Shanghai wear-resistant floor, such as some floors need fire-proof flowers and anti-static.


G. financial budget. Choose the suitable floor type according to the cost.


(2) organization of specialized construction teams


Professional construction team should not only have professional skilled and experienced personnel, but also have advanced construction equipment and perfect construction management system.

(作者:无锡搬家 编辑:admin)
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