
时间:2018年10月31日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Curing agent floor can make up for some shortcomings of the existing floor such as epoxy resin floor, diamond wear-resistant floor. In some logistics warehouses, production workshops and other occasions where traffic is very frequent, hardening and dust-proof effect of it has the incomparable advantages of other floors. 1. The curing agent floor should be cleaned before construction. Pay attention to the ground to keep dry and clean, if there is debris on the ground to clean up, wetland surface to be constructed every other day, the new ground proposal about 15 days to re-construction. 

2. Osmotic solidification of solidified agent floor construction:


Use concrete sealant A material sprinkled on the ground hardening treatment to ensure that the ground is fully penetrated until the ground is fully absorbed.


3. The construction sequence of curing agent floor construction materials:


After spraying concrete sealant A material, the ground is dried and then sprayed with B material. The construction method is the same as that of A material.


4. Three grinding of solidified agent floor construction

1.粗磨:使用50-200号 地坪磨片(水磨或干磨)。

1. rough grinding: use No. 50-200 floor grinding disc (water mill or dry grinding).


2. fine grinding: use No. 200-300 floor grinding disc (water mill or dry grinding);

3.精磨:使用500-1500号 磨片、水磨或干磨,4.清洗、晾干:彻底把地面清洗干净,用吸水机吸净晾干。

3. Fine grinding: use 500-1500 grinding, water grinding or dry grinding, 4. cleaning, drying: thoroughly clean the ground, with a water absorber to clean and dry.


Matters needing attention in the construction of concrete sealing hardener floor


This product is weak acidic, the skin should not be long-term contact; construction is recommended to wear dust masks, latex or plastic gloves, and be careful not to spray on equipment or glass.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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