
时间:2019年04月13日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

Moving in rainy days is more troublesome, this is not to be impatient, Wuxi Moving Company must adopt closed moving vehicles, in order to avoid items getting wet, blown down and dirty. Some small items should be tied to large items when loading, so as to avoid the loss of items. Know the weather exactly the day before moving, and stagger the rainy season. If you can't stagger, you should choose a good moving route to avoid narrow roads and traffic jams. Traffic accidents are more likely to happen in rainy days. Therefore, when driving vehicles, you must pay attention to safety in order to avoid traffic accidents.
In case of sudden storms, it is necessary to take shelter in a certain place in time. The following places are not suitable for staying near small lightning-proof buildings, garages and garages; iron fences, metal clotheslines, overhead metal bodies and railway tracks; isolated trees or chimneys, etc. It is important to quickly find and hide in buildings protected by lightning protection facilities, or in vehicles with metal roofs and metal hulls.
New homes need to do a good job of waterproofing, such as bringing some cartons and laying them on the wooden floor, which can not only reduce the damage to the floor (if the wooden floor is soaked in rain, it will expand, bubbles), but also prevent dirty floor, causing unnecessary trouble.
Vehicles should be parked as close as possible to the doors or elevators to reduce the distance of workers in Wuxi Moving Company moving in the rain. At the same time, wrap the goods in a large film to keep them dry. Some electrical appliances pay special attention to the fact that they are most afraid of entering water, so they must be wrapped with packaging materials, and they must not enter water.
As the weather keeps getting hotter, summer has arrived. The rainy season in summer is changeable and changeable, and some bad weather often follows. Moving in summer is a real headache. Nevertheless, Wuxi Relocation Company summarized the precautions mentioned above and believed that it would be possible to move smoothly into the new house so that the joy of relocation would not be spoiled by the rain. 
(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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