
时间:2018年11月10日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


During the construction of epoxy flooring, it is possible that the water content of the base surface is too high, which will directly affect the quality of epoxy flooring and its future use. Therefore, timely measures must be taken to solve such problems. However, the solution to the problem of base water content is not uniform, it needs to be determined according to the different degree of base water content and the detailed function of the product. The solution to the high water content of epoxy floor is generally divided into the following categories:


Special base waterproofing layer


Generally speaking, this kind of product is applied to the base surface with high water content. The waterproof effect is achieved by coating a layer of anti-seepage coating. It is suitable for the base surface with increasing water content. This anti-seepage product is mainly used to prevent the seepage phenomenon caused by the rising water level after the completion of the resin floor system.


Moistureproof layer


This kind of product is connected with ground base to form a damp proof layer to prevent groundwater from leaking to the ground. Because this method has long-term protection function for resin epoxy floor system, it is widely used.


Moisture proof coating


Many manufacturers have developed a professional moistureproof undercoat product for high moisture content. This method also has a long-term protective effect on the epoxy floor system and has a wider application scope.


Scale base coating


In some special cases, according to the water content of the base, we need to coat the scale base coatings when painting the resin floor system. Detailed notes and methods of operation need to be guided by the producers' guide.


Moisture permeable system


To make up for the moisture resistance of the base coatings and epoxy floor coatings, many manufacturers have developed moisture permeability systems. The moisture permeability system is designed to ensure the water vapor permeability of the material, and is also suitable for the base surface which cannot be equipped with waterproof layer. Generally speaking, we recommend contacting the manufacturer before painting and adopting an accurate waterproof layer scheme, so as to avoid problems or even failure of the floor system in the future. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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