
时间:2018年11月07日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Generally speaking, as long as we pay attention to the above 6 points, the service life of the epoxy floor will be extended. The suggestions for the daily maintenance of the epoxy floor after construction are as follows: 1. The newly formed epoxy floor after construction is generally feasible in 24-48 hours, can withstand light load after 72 hours, and the floor strength can reach 70-100% mechanical access in 7 days.


2: Work shops need to change their shoes to avoid bringing dust particles and hard objects into the workshop so as not to scratch the ground after rolling.


3: As far as possible, avoid artificial or mechanical handling to scratch, overweight machines directly impact the ground, sharp devices scratch the ground, such as forklifts, trolleys, etc., should use rubber wheels.


4: If water, acidic or alkaline solvents, oil, etc. are accumulated on the ground, they should be removed from time to time. In the case of impact resistance and acid-base resistance, please do not exceed the affordable range assessed beforehand.


5: If the ground is damaged by impact, and if there are oil droplets in the damaged area, it should be repaired by professional technicians in time to prevent oil from penetrating into the ground structure or under the paint layer.


6: Maintenance with neutral wax on a regular basis can be carried out by manual mop, which can reduce scratches, but can not be used as maintenance solution with organic solvents, such as laundry powder. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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