
时间:2018年11月07日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


From the beginning, epoxy flooring is used for functional flooring: such as anti-corrosion, wear-resistant, anti-skid, developed to general industrial epoxy flooring; besides functional requirements, it also has decorative effect. On the basis of the wide application of industrial epoxy floor, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, it has been widely used in home decoration.


1. It is not an abuse of machinery. We should try our best to avoid heavy hitting and heavy use. We should not use heavy goods or hard bump into the ground. Besides the need of work, we should avoid unnecessary wear and tear frequently. Especially in the epoxy painting class, to maintain its smooth and delicate, beautiful shape, we should be careful to avoid the transport of steel wheels and other means; no heavy traffic load, contact with the ground, avoid scratches.


2, avoid chemical pollution. Self-leveling epoxy resin, mainly used in dust, laboratories, electronic production workshop, in order to maintain its beauty and other good performance, always accidentally chemical, especially organic acid light falls on the ground, ground pollution, should be immediately cleaned with water. More difficult detergent, or dyeing on the ground is difficult to eliminate, a small amount of acetone can be quickly cleaned, this action, please pay attention to ventilation. Used for a long period of time, the floor can be based on customer requirements, or in the old floor cover, in order to achieve better results.


3, surface cleaning, epoxy floor surface cleaning is simple, general washing. Wash stains such as embarrassment, use detergent, industrial degreasing, rust remover, and rinse with water. For stubborn stains, mechanical cleaning method is available, but the pressure on the ground, do not wear too much, affecting the smooth and luster of the ground. Epoxy resin, maintain good surface finish and aesthetic effect, do not use mechanical cleaning, mop, clean way of dewatering.


The above points are some maintenance methods of epoxy flooring. Only by carefully maintaining epoxy flooring can you keep your flooring young. Epoxy flooring is a kind of floor with high strength, wear resistance and beautiful appearance. It has the advantages of seamless, solid texture, good resistance, anti-corrosion, dust prevention, convenient maintenance and low maintenance cost. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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