
时间:2018年11月09日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

移动脚手架搭设完毕后应按以下标准进行检查验收: 移动脚手架搭设质量的检查验收规定.架体结构符合施工方案的要求,个别部位的尺寸变化应在允许的调整范围之内;节点安全连接可靠。其中扣件的拧紧程度应控制在扭力矩达到40N.m~60N.m,所有焊接部位焊接质量应可靠,预埋件的埋设应符合设计要求,具有足够的强度,钢丝绳的接头连接应可靠;

After the installation of mobile scaffolding, the inspection and acceptance shall be carried out according to the following standards: the inspection and acceptance regulations for the quality of mobile scaffolding erection. The structure of the scaffolding meets the requirements of the construction scheme, the size changes of individual parts should be within the allowable adjustment range, and the safe connection of the nodes is reliable. The tightening degree of fasteners should be controlled at the torque of 40N.m~60N.m, the welding quality of all welded parts should be reliable, the embedding of embedded parts should meet the design requirements, have sufficient strength, and the joint connection of wire rope should be reliable.


The vertical degree of the vertical pole should be less than (+300) and the maximum vertical deviation value should be controlled at the same time. The horizontal deviation of the vertical horizontal pole of the scaffold should be less than 1/250. The horizontal deviation value of the whole frame length is not more than 50 mm; the working layer and the safety protection should meet the relevant requirements; the inspection and acceptance of mobile scaffolding should be carried out regularly, and only after the inspection is qualified, can the scaffolding be allowed to put into use or continue to use. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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