
时间:2018年11月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Gas steam hot stove and coal-fired steam hot stove are better and cost-effective. Customers who use gas-fired steam hot stoves and coal-fired steam hot stoves will know that the efficiency of coal-fired hot stoves is only about 75%, while that of gas-fired hot stoves is about 90%. If the steam generation calculation is used, the standard coal consumption of a ton of steam produced by coal-fired hot stoves is 1.29 times that of gas-fired hot stoves. Considering only the cost of fuel, the current market price (coal 1000 yuan/ton, natural gas 3 yuan/cubic meter) or the cost of coal hot-blast stove is only 75% of that of gas hot-blast stove. So what is the more cost-effective of the gas steam hot stove and the coal-fired steam hot stove? 


The following hot stove manufacturers are going to explain the more cost-effective from the following aspects.


The first is the cost price of purchase.


Because the gas steam hot-blast stove is obviously ahead of the coal-fired steam hot-blast stove in technology and auxiliary equipment, and equipped with a dedicated gas burner, not to mention other, the price of a single burner has opened up this cost. Generally speaking, the price of gas-fired hot stove is about 30% higher than that of coal-fired hot stove for the same tonnage steam hot stove, so it seems that the price of gas-fired hot stove is slightly higher.


Second: followed by installation cost of hot blast stove equipment.


Installation cost is mainly reflected in the investment of hot air stove and steam hot stove pipe. Gas steam hot blast stove is fully automatic because there are many auxiliary equipments, and it has the functions of automatic alarm and automatic protection. When connected to the natural gas pipeline, the burner will automatically supply gas, which can effectively save the cost of staff. Because the coal-fired steam stove needs the coal-feeding procedure, it will spend more on staff salary, and the construction fund of the coal-fired steam boiler in the hot-blast stove room will be more. So the cost of coal burning steam pot is slightly higher.


Third: we must consider the cost price of fuel.


According to the survey, in some undeveloped cities where environmental protection is not very important, coal-fired hot stoves are more popular because of the small proportion of one-time investment in coal-fired boilers, and the simple operation of coal-fired hot stoves themselves. But in some developed cities, people will think differently. The production of coal-fired hot blast stove will produce waste residue, waste gas, waste water and other pollution to the environment, which will bring harm to people's long-term life. Gas-fired hot-blast stove has the advantages of less floor area and less emission pollution, and the installation cost of hot-blast stove house is not the highest. After natural gas is used, the fuel price decreases and the operation cost is lower than that of oil-fired hot-blast stove. This comparison mainly depends on the degree of urban development and people's needs.


Summary: The above three main points are only some references. I believe that you will have a certain understanding of the market after reading them. Specifically, we can not say which is good or bad. We can only consider it according to the investment desire of current customers and the current urban development.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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