
时间:2018年11月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Combustion is a very common phenomenon. Different hot blast stove fuels have different combustion modes. According to whether there is flame or not, they can be divided into flaming combustion and flameless combustion. The so-called flame is the combustion of flammable gas, so flammable combustion can be understood as the combustion of flammable gas or flammable liquid evaporating into flammable gas. . And flameless combustion refers to the burning of charcoal or coke. 一,燃料的定义:

I. definition of fuel:

从燃烧的角度来讲,世界上的物质可分为可燃物与不可燃物两大类。简单地讲,能在空气中燃烧的物质称为可燃物;反之,称为不可燃物。能在空气中燃烧的物质非常多,例如:纸、布、木、煤、油、天然气、大米、麦子等等,数不胜数。然而,所谓燃料是指能在空气中容易燃烧并能放出大量热量的气体、液体或固体的物质,且在经济上值得利用其发热值的物质的总称。根据这一定义,作为热风炉燃料的物质必须同时具备下列条件: 1.容易在空气中燃烧,且又能随时不断供应。

From the perspective of combustion, substances in the world can be classified into two categories: combustible and non combustible. Simply speaking, substances that can be burned in air are called combustibles, otherwise, they are called non combustible materials. There are many substances that can burn in the air, such as paper, cloth, wood, coal, oil, natural gas, rice, wheat and so on. However, the so-called fuel refers to the material that can easily burn in the air and emit a lot of heat, such as gas, liquid or solid, and is economically worth utilizing its calorific value. According to this definition, as the fuel of hot blast stove, the material must have the following conditions at the same time: 1. Easy to burn in the air, and can be continuously supplied at any time.


2. storage, transportation, processing and so on are very simple.


3., the price is low and the calorific value is large.


4. there is no great danger and harm in use, and the pollution of combustion products is small.


As a result, substances such as rice and wheat are combustible, but not fuels. Generally speaking, coal, oil, gas, natural gas and other substances can meet the above conditions, can be used as fuel.


Two. Basic knowledge of fuel and combustion: what is combustion?


The so-called combustion refers to the rapid combination of a substance with oxygen or oxygen-containing substances, which emits a large amount of heat and light. When fuel reacts in a hot blast stove, both endothermic and exothermic heat must occur. This heat is called reaction heat or combustion heat. The compound of combustion reaction is called combustion product.


3. The three elements of combustion and the conditions of complete combustion must possess the following three conditions at the same time, that is, the three elements of combustion.


1. there must be combustible materials (fuel).


2. has a temperature level that enables the combustible (fuel) to burn above the temperature.


3. sufficient oxygen or air must be provided as a combustion supporting substance.


As the fireman of hot blast stove, not only fuel can be burned, but also fuel can be fully burned. Full combustion means that the combustible components of fuel can be burned completely without smoke when the air supply and supply methods are suitable. At this time, the combustion products do not contain any combustible substances, otherwise, it is called incomplete combustion. Generally speaking, in addition to the above three elements of combustion, the following conditions should be taken into account for the complete combustion of fuel:


1. Appropriate air volume must be supplied to the fuel in the right way so that the combustibles in the fuel can fully contact with the air.


2., combustion products must be removed in a timely and proper manner.


3. it is necessary to provide enough space for combustion (combustion chamber) and time.


In view of the increase and development of fuel oil and gas hot blast stove in recent years, the following is mainly about liquid fuel and gas fuel and their combustion.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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