
时间:2018年11月04日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Nowadays, many factories and workshops in China are slowly using epoxy floor paint. One of the most basic characteristics of floor paint is clean, which is the inevitable requirement for enterprises to upgrade and products to upgrade. Workshop anti-static self-leveling floor has the characteristics of dust and anti-static, wear resistance, strong adhesion, high hardness, mildew resistance, oil pollution resistance, acid-alkali corrosion resistance, cleanliness and convenience, low cost, fast construction, beautiful and generous, and can be long-term rolled by forklift trucks and automobiles. 


Installation of anti static self leveling floor in factory workshop can effectively avoid:


1. Ground dust can easily penetrate into the mechanical equipment assembled in the factory, resulting in the failure of the mechanical equipment. This not only delays the production of the factory and causes delays in orders, but also costs the company a lot of money to repair the mechanical equipment, which is a great loss to the company.


2. Ground dust is easy to attach to raw materials and electronic components, which will bring troubles to product quality and production, bad products, affect the company's brand image, or cause economic losses of the company.


3. As a production-oriented enterprise, the general customers or leaders will visit the workshop to understand the production process. If the ground is full of pits and dust, the customers or leaders will not be satisfied, which will make the company lose many customers and directly cause the loss of the company.


4. Although terrazzo floor and floor tile floor can solve the problem of sand and dust, the surface layer itself is peeled off from the concrete base. Under the action of bearing gravity, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of shelling, hollowing and falling off of the surface layer, which not only affects the smoothness and tidiness of the ground, but also destroys the area with the use of time. The service life is greatly shortened and the normal use is affected. Dongsheng floor installation of anti-static self leveling flat can be avoided.


The requirements of the modern factory for the floor are very high. For example, choosing common cement floors, the dust generated in the work not only harms the health of employees, but also causes damage to precision instruments, and even affects the quality of products. Therefore, almost all modern chemical plants will choose different floor painting systems to meet the needs of their different environments. Dongsheng Floor Material R&D has developed epoxy flat-coated flooring project specially for indoor flooring of industrial plant to meet the above requirements. The project has high adhesion and loading capacity, and has the advantages of strong, tough, wear-resistant, smooth and clean, and cost-effective.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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