
时间:2018年10月28日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


After reading the introduction of the primer and top coat, is it doubtful, then why should a "middle coat" be constructed, why should a special medium coated floor paint materials? 1. Primer layer, this is to close the gap of concrete, prevent underground water vapor, air, corrosive substances floating on the epoxy floor damage. 2. Topcoat, this layer is directly facing the user. On the one hand, it needs to be able to resist people's walking, mechanical friction, on the other hand, it also needs to be able to isolate the external presence of corrosive substances from the upper layer into the interior of the epoxy floor paint. 


There are several reasons for this.


1, enhance wear resistance. The properties of epoxy floor paint are determined. Epoxy floor paint is a film-cured floor paint. It accomplishes its protection mission by forming a protective coating on the surface of concrete, just like our skin. But because they are film-forming, they can be worn away. The thinner the floor paint is, the easier it is to wear out. And the middle coating is sandwiched between primer and topcoat, improve the wear resistance of epoxy floor engineering, the key to use life.


2, increase the thickness. After the general floor paint primer and topcoat application, only 0.2-0.5mm coating will be produced, so not only wear resistance is very poor, but also give people a very poor experience walking on it. Everyone should feel that the thick epoxy floor project has some flexibility, walking on it is very comfortable, fall will not be very painful.


3, reduce costs. Since the coating does not have to take on the task of protecting against various harmful substances, the requirement for it can actually be reduced a little. And the middle coating is in the middle of the epoxy floor coating, and no one can see the colors, so you can save the pink. Therefore, middle coating is usually cheaper than topcoat and primer.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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