
时间:2018年11月15日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


In order to facilitate further processing of finished products, the main feature of energy-saving hot blast stove is the drying of materials after dehydration. Energy-saving hot blast stove by heating the material moisture including (generally refers to water or other volatile liquid components) vaporization are slowly escaped. To obtain solid material with specified moisture content. The dried materials are more convenient for transporting and storing the drying box. 热风炉起动时,先进热风预热机体,然后由少到多地喂料,直到正常。停车前,先停止热风进入热风炉然后停止喂料,打开冷风门,让热风炉继续运转,先不停排风机到出口处再没有物料卸出,废气温度低于45℃时,才可使热风炉、排风机、卸料设备停车。各部连接件有松动现象,支承和传动装置有不正常振动、噪声、冲击、窜动的情况时,应该禁止启动热风炉,此外以下情况也应该禁止启动成都找人公司设备,成都收账公司点火之前,通风设备没有开动起来,原料储备量不能保证成都收账公司在一定时间内连续运转。

When the hot-air stove starts, the advanced hot air preheat the body, and then feed from less to more until normal. Before stopping, stop the hot air entering the hot blast stove, then stop feeding, open the cold air door, let the hot blast stove continue to operate, first stop exhausting the fan to the outlet, then no material is discharged. When the waste temperature is below 45 C, the hot blast stove, exhaust fan and unloading equipment can stop. When the connection parts of each part are loosened and the support and transmission devices have abnormal vibration, noise, impact and movement, it should be prohibited to start the hot blast stove. In addition, the following situations should be prohibited to start the hot blast stove equipment. Before the hot blast stove is ignited, the ventilation equipment is not started, and the stock of raw materials can not guarantee that the hot blast stove is in operation. Continuous operation within a certain period of time.

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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