
时间:2019年04月13日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

The current downturn in the industry may be the best time for the relocation service industry to upgrade itself. After the shuffle of the financial crisis, the service industry of Wuxi relocation company will survive the relocation enterprise with the best service quality and the highest management level. Relevant departments should carry out investigation and research to fully understand the basic situation of the relocation service industry in Wuxi area, and on this basis, study and formulate the industry planning of the region, guide enterprises to standardize service standards, ensure service quality, and realize the standardized development of the industry. At the same time, we should strengthen staff training and constantly improve the quality of service. The competent authorities should give full play to the initiative of training institutions and enterprises, strengthen the service consciousness of practitioners, standardize service behavior and improve service quality. The most important thing is to prepare and set up a relocation service industry association as soon as possible to give full play to the role of the association.
How to balance the balance of interests between workers and companies in Wuxi Moving Company and how to make the industry and market develop healthily and healthily are the issues that every company faces at the decision-making level. In this economic cycle, rewarding workers requires concessions of interest. This balance is not found by temporary conscience, but requires a breakthrough in system design. To fundamentally solve the chain of interest distribution and let this interest community coexist and prosper, we need to open up a new way of "reviving" the moving economy.
Therefore, the relevant functional departments should coordinate and absorb the enterprises involved in the relocation service to form industry associations. Firstly, let consumers know the service content, which mainly includes two aspects: minimum service and optional service, let customers know that different prices have different service modes, Wuxi Moving Company according to the actual workload, so as to solve the contradiction with customers in telephone communication. Secondly, we should fix the sample of Guangzhou relocation contract and make clear the liability for compensation. In case of accidents, there are rules to follow. Finally, standardize the service mode of Guangzhou relocation enterprises, formulate industry standards, promote the promulgation of laws and regulations, build a legal platform to solve contradictions from the system design. 
(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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