
时间:2018年12月15日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


High temperature aging house series products belong to high energy consumption industrial drying equipment. The manufacturers who need to buy high temperature aging house series products regard energy saving and power saving as the first consideration factor. High temperature aging room manufacturer's intentional design and good, standardized operation of the manufacturer can maximize energy saving and power saving! According to the process requirements of customers'products, we design a series of high temperature aging room products with different specifications, functions and temperatures, which are highly applicable to customers' products. Make customers reduce energy consumption, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, increase production efficiency! Let customers maximize profits! 高温老化房系列产品利于节能省电的设计:

High temperature aging house series products are conducive to energy-saving and power-saving design:


(1) Before the design of the equipment, understand the classification of products that customers need to dry, and locate the most suitable drying temperature for different types of products;


(2) High temperature aging room series products design one or more temperature sections, each temperature section can be independently controlled to dry different products;


(3) The power of series products of high temperature aging room is designed reasonably, the power is small, the production efficiency is low, the power is big, and the energy consumption is high.


The manufacturer of high temperature aging house series products should pay attention to the details of energy saving and power saving.


(1) In the high temperature aging room, the operators of industrial oven products need to develop good operating habits and turn off the main switch when the equipment is not working.


(2) Open the corresponding switch according to the temperature range required by the product to achieve the best drying state and environment of the product, thus eliminating the waste of electricity.

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(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)



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