
时间:2018年12月06日信息来源:无锡搬家网 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:


Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the slogan of building resource-saving and environment-friendly has been put forward. The traditional form of hot stove which pollutes the environment and consumes a lot of energy is no longer adapted to the needs of the development of the times. With the decrease of non-renewable resources and the rapid rise of energy prices, energy conservation and environmental protection are the prerequisites for the development of all walks of life. Material hot stove will become the main force of hot stove Market in the future.


With the arrival of the winter heating season, the demand for biomass-fired hot stoves for heating is increasing. According to the data from the sales center of hot stoves, the customers who consulted and purchased biomass-fired hot stoves for heating are increasing recently. The scheme analysis of this type of hot stoves for heating is presented.


In the heating process of biomass-fired hot stove, the longer the steam pipe is used, the more steam loss will be produced. Especially for hot stoves which start and stop frequently, the loss is greater. Therefore, the lower the distance between the hot stove and the steam point, the smaller the steam loss.


However, due to site constraints and state regulations on the management of biomass-fired hot stoves, conventional hot stoves can not be directly placed next to the steam point. The state stipulates that conventional hot stoves must establish a separate hot stove room, and there are various requirements for the explosion-proof of hot stove room.


In order to improve the shortcomings of traditional hot-blast stove in gas supply and heating, the special secondary air structure is adopted in the design of biomass-fired hot-blast stove, which effectively improves the air force field in the stove and leads the hot particles forward arch, which is conducive to the ignition of fuel and prolongs the shutdown of fuel in the stove. Leave time, improve the adaptability and utilization of fuel, gas supply is more safe and reliable. 

(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)
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