
时间:2019年04月15日信息来源:无锡搬家公司 点击: 收藏此文 【字体:

There are two situations, one is that life is booming after moving, the other is that there are many difficulties and setbacks after moving. What is the reason for this? First of all, the geomantic omen of the new house, which is very important, if the geomantic omen is not good, it will cause financial losses. The second is that it has a lot to do with choosing the right time to move. In the process of choosing a day, there are two other very important aspects: whether the day runs counter to the eight characters of the party concerned and whether it avoids the evil of the fifth day of the year, the fifth day of the year, the fifth day of the year, the second day of the year and the second day of the year.
Wuxi Moving Company Summarizes the Mystery of Moving More and More Vigorously
There are some good and bad points to pay attention to in the process of relocation (relocation):
1. Try to say some auspicious words on the day of moving.
2. On the day of moving house, family members should not cry and cry, lose their temper indiscriminately, scold children, and avoid family disputes.
3. Don't say hello to others when you move.
4. Don't take a nap on the day of moving, or take a nap in a new house. Otherwise, you will easily get sick in the future.
5. On the evening of the moving house, before going to bed, you should lie down for about five minutes, then get up and work again, which means "sleeping and getting up again". (Normally, a child sleeps in a new bed, so does a new bed. He should get up first, but not go to sleep directly, which means "lying down and getting up again".) Otherwise, he will easily fall ill in the future.
6. On the day of moving house, it is advisable to boil some boiled water in the new house and blow the electric fan in all directions in order to "wind and water".
7. It is advisable to cook some sweet dumplings and desserts that evening. The whole family eats together, which means family reunion and sweetness.
8. When moving the house, we should guard against the fetal god. When a woman is pregnant, try not to move. In case it is necessary to move, pregnant women should leave the site of the old house first and sweep with a "new broom" for every move in the old house, so as to avoid moving to the "fetal god". (The General Book records the position of the fetal God every day.)
Of course, in order to increase financial security and security, we can improve the bad magnetic field and atmosphere in the new room by performing the four corners worship ceremony and the new residence joining ceremony in the new room before moving. 
(作者:无锡搬家公司 编辑:admin)



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